All our trails are now ski-able. D,R,X,C,M and K have seen grooming and have a track set. S has now been rolled and could be skate skied although it is quite bumpy and uneven. Snowplowing on the downhills has scraped them pretty clean and are icy in patches; ski cautiously on these outer loops. B and H have seen skier traffic but have not been groomed and will remain thus until more snow arrives.
All posts by DRXC
Yesterday’s snow should have freshened things up a bit. Grooming is forthcoming once there are no skiers on the trails to run into. Looks like a nice weekend coming up.
Some more grooming.
As luck would have it, Deep River is hydrophobic/snowphillic (spellcheck was of no use on that one)! With all the snow on the ground it looked beautiful and serene. That has been taken care of.
M has been rolled for skating – still quite bumpy but no rocks were unearthed. Proceed with caution and get some ice packs ready for your shin muscles. D, R, X, C and M have also been track-set – C is quite thin and not suited for good skis yet. The others are fine; I’ll get D right next time
Some grooming
The hydro line (K) and little M have been rolled and trackset. The compressed fluff provides a thin veil covering ice, roots and rocks. Continue to use your spring skis! The ride is very bumpy and probably not that healthy for the machines. We need another 10 cm of decent snow before the rougher trails are groomed. The tracks set by skiers are better than what can be achieved with implements at this point. Get out and enjoy the sunshine.
Light and Fluffy
It’s nice to see some snow. Definitely more than was forecast. Some tests were conducted yesterday and it seems that the snow compacts to about 2 cm on top of a hard, irregular ice base. With the additional evening snow there may be enough to test roll and perhaps track-set in places. This will happen this morning. Stay tuned.