Visitors are welcome to use our facilities. Please consider a donation ($2 to $5 per person) towards trail grooming and chalet maintenance. A donation box is on the exterior of the chalet on Balmer Bay Road.
Ski Trails
The club maintains three trail networks and is a partner in a fourth.
- The Silver Spoon Trails are the closest to downtown Deep River. They are located on either side of Balmer Bay Road just east of the hospital. There are about 30 km of trail, of which 20 are groomed and track-set. The trails on the river side of the road are gentle. Those on the other side are more challenging. Trails labelled M, S and H are groomed for both classic and ski skating techniques. The F(un) loop is only for the truly adventuresome, and the P loop is a challenging backcountry trail.
- The Cabin Trails are a network of 50 km of ungroomed wilderness trails that lead to our cabin near the border of Algonquin Park. The starting point is at the end of Bass Lake Road, which turns south off Hwy 17 just before Point Alexander, 4 km west of Deep River. The trails are challenging, require quite a bit of snow coverage to be useable, and are quite remote with limited cell phone coverage. Additional safety precautions, such as carrying emergency gear, should be used when skiing this trail system. Please be familiar with the DRXC Emergency Plan. Trails maps are available on the MAPS page.
- The Forestry Trail System is based at the Petawawa Research Forest 5 km east of Chalk River. Turn south from Hwy 17 onto Clouthier Road and follow it to a gate. Parking is 100 m before the gate, to your right. There are currently 19 km of ungroomed wilderness trails.
- The Plant Trail System connects the Silver Spoon Trails to the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories and is used to ski to and from work. Only CNL employees carrying appropriate identification are permitted on these trails.
DRXC Balmer Bay Chalet
The club chalet is situated 450 m east of the hospital at 112 Balmer Bay Road.
As things currently stand we plan on opening the chalet daily during the ski season – it will be opened mid-morning by a volunteer and closed around dusk. The volunteer will start a fire in the woodstove to warm up the chalet, and throughout the day you can use the firewood available (in the indoor woodbox or from the woodshed bin labelled “Dry”) to keep the fire going.
Covid is, of course, still with us, and mask use and physical distancing are encouraged while in the chalet. Information on the DRXC web site will be updated, and signs will be posted at the chalet, if provincial requirements change during the season.
The maximum number of occupants in the DRXC chalet is 30 people (per the Ontario Fire Code).
DRXC Ski Cabin (Bass Lake Trails)
The cabin trails off Bass Lake Road culminate in the club’s cabin. This is available to members for day or overnight use, at a fee of $15/night/person for a non-shareholder, and $8/night/person for a shareholder. The maximum fee for the cabin will be for six people. The cabin is well-equipped so that skiers have less to carry in. Click on DRXC Cabin—equipment inventory.
The shortest distance to the cabin from the Bass Lake Road trailhead is 7 km. There are three ridges along the way, which contribute to a challenging ski. The BLISS snowshoe trail also leads to the Cabin. Cabin bookings and keys are available from Karen Colins (613-584-2880) or Hilary Veen (343-548-3200).
Snowshoe Trails
Intermingled with the DRXC ski trails are snowshoe trails, built and maintained by the Four Seasons Conservancy. The trailhead is located at the ski chalet.
Viewing Platform
The Four Seasons Conservancy has built a lovely viewing platform and shelter beside the marsh on Kennedy Creek. Ski access is via the M-extension. Snowshoe access is via the snowshoe trails—just follow the signs. Bring binoculars and a picnic.