Category Archives: Trail Conditions

06 February 2021 Grooming Update

Most trails were groomed last night and this morning in time for SKI FEST! We had just enough snow to perform leveling on D, R, X, and C, so enjoy the smooth ride … finally. On C loop there are still some icy spots near the shoreline of the Ottawa River (near Voyageur Rock).

K loop under the hydro lines was rolled and track set last night as well.

M, S, H, B and M extension were levelled, rolled and track set this morning, so we are at 100% in our grooming.

Enjoy the fabulous winter weather this weekend and into the week ahead.

24 January 2021 Grooming Update

B loop and the ungroomed sections of S and H were track set. On Friday those loops were flattened in preparation for track setting, but the resulting skate track is a bit rough in places. The skate track is also a bit narrow right now, but we intend to widen it more after the next snowfall.

Be cautious of the hills … the conditions are fast, and the falls could be hard.

2021 January 22 Grooming Report

Last night a couple of our groomers rolled and track set M, S, H and K loops, so there is fresh terrain to enjoy this morning. For the other loops set under the forest canopy, we didn’t accumulate enough snow to groom D and the riverside loops R, X and C, but they are still enjoyable to ski.

For those of you that prefer to not ski the hills on M loop, Kings Road was also track set (middle or intermediate M).

There will be an attempt later this morning to start packing and levelling B loop, and the parts of M, S, and H that have until now been left natural, so please watch out for the groomers.


2021 January 18 Grooming Update

Last night 2 of our groomers groomed as much as they could with the limited new snow that we have. For skate ski enthusiasts, M, S, H and K were rolled, but not all of S (H provides the gentle downhill run back to M). For people that enjoy classic skiing, D, R, X, C, M, S, H and K were track set. With the cool night, the grooming should have set up nicely overnight. We need alot more snow before we can groom B and R loops. ENJOY