Following our Thursday snowfall, grooming of all remaining DRXC trails was completed last night, with the exception of B loop, which remains a back-country trail until we accumulate more snow.
Trail conditions are GOOD/FAIR overall. We need more snow to recover from the last weeks of warm weather and the absence of snow for 3 weeks. The hills on M, S and H loops are VERY FAST, so caution is required, and for that reason we did not set classic tracks on the downhills (leaving more room for snowplowing).
Last night’s snow was nice to have, but it was about half what we need to restore the trails from the prolonged warm period and the absence of snow. It has been a difficult year. This morning loops D, R, X and C were track set. Conditions are GOOD on D, R and X, and FAIR on C loop because of exposed roots.
Loop M was groomed for skate skiers, but the old track remains for classic skiers to break and ski.
More grooming will happen tonight in preparation for the weekend.
Trails D, R, X and C were successfully groomed. Conditions are FAIR/GOOD but extremely fast and caution is needed on every downhill section of trail.
C loop has exposed stones and roots in a few places.
Loops K and M were groomed for skate skiing, but the trail surface is still coarse granular/icy. The classic tracks on K and M were NOT RESET and they remain icy and dangerously fast.
The other trails require fresh snow before they can be groomed.
With the exception of B Loop, all DRXC trails were groomed for skate and classic skiing last night. Trail conditions are good/excellent. There are a few roots exposed on C Loop due to the thin snow base that we currently have.
B Loop continues to be ungroomed, but available for a back country experience.
All DRXC trail were groomed this morning for skate and classic skiing, with the exception of B loop which is available for skiing as a back country experience.