DRXC GROOMING REPORT – Tuesday February 20

The skate tracks on loops M, S and H have been re-groomed (freshened up). The classic track on these loops was not reset because it is holding up quite well (still in GOOD condition).

Loop B and the small side loop off H have now been groomed for skate skiing (for the first time this year). That means the classic track on B (back country track) has been taken out. Track setting for classic skiing on B is planned to be done Saturday morning after the next warm spell freezes again. Appologies to those who have temporarily lost their classic sking along that loop.

The classic tracks on Loops D, R, X and C were not regroomed, although they need it (FAIR condition). They will be re-groomed Saturday morning after the next warm spell freezes again.

Grooming has been challenging this year because of the warm periods and because of limited snowfalls and the thin snow base. If there isn’t snow in the forecast, we have to be cautious about re-grooming because we can recycle old snow only to a limited extent. We have to be very strategic to make the most of what we have.